Waiting to change into his "going home" outfit.

Not really liking it.

A little unsure about putting my tiny little guy in his car seat!

Taking off his security anklet.

Daddy is already an expert clothes changer. (and diaper changer!)

All ready to head out.

He looks so tiny in his seat.

Walking, ever so slowly, out of the maternity ward.

It was so humid that day that my camera lens fogged over!

First stop: The post office to apply for Kaleb's passport. Unfortunately, mommy wasn't as organized as she should have been and didn't have the checkbook. Thus I ended up waiting in line for what felt like eternity while John ran to the bank to get cash. If only I would have remembered that the US government won't accept credit card as a form of payment for passport issuance. At least the workers were so sweet and accommodating about it. I won't make that mistake again!

We're HOME!!!!!

After all that waiting mommy is exhausted. Time to cuddle up with my precious little son.

Beautiful..just beautiful Suz <3
I'm so excited for more baby Kaleb pictures. He looks so squeezable!
P.S. I love the picture of John kissing Kaleb's head, and Kaleb sporting something like 3 chins. (So cute. Why are extra little rolls so perfect on little people, but don't work out for me? Must investigate . . .)
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