We decided to try cloth diapers before Kaleb was born, see this post for the reason as to why we went this route. Our Decision to Cloth Diaper
Now that we have been doing cloth diapers for six months are we still glad we made the initial investment? ABSOLUTELY! We have used disposables here and there, mainly for traveling, and I can never wait to get Kaleb back into his cloth "dipes." I like them that much. Following you will find some questions and answers based on our experience. Please leave a comment with additional questions. Do you already use cloth dipes? Please share your advice!
What about the laundry? Aren't you already doing enough?
Really, the extra laundry doesn't bother me. I am already doing more laundry than I have ever done in my life, so what is one extra load? (Spit-up not only requires the baby's clothes to be changed, but often mine as well!) We generally do a load every other night, and yes... John does help with them which I do appreciate.
What about the Poo?
If you are exclusively breastfeeding that the poo issue really isn't an issue at all. Just throw your diapers into a wet bag and wash later when you have enough for a load. Throw your diapers and bag into the washing machine and do a cold rinse cycle to get rid of all the "yuck" and then do a HOT cycle to wash. (Some also do an additional rinse cycle afterward, we haven't done so and haven't had a problem with build-up or anything. Some also do a cold wash cycle before hand instead of a cold rinse.)
Now that our little one is six months and eating solid foods the ball game has changed a bit, unfortunately! We use liners and toss them in the toilet if he has a poopy diaper. Another option is a diaper sprayer or the good ol' rinse and dunk method, but I would personally prefer not to resort to that one. ;)
Of course liners do add an additional expense to cloth diapering, but I find it worth it. And, once your baby starts pooping on more of a regular schedule you will know when you need to add a liner and when you can probably skip it.
We have liked the Imse Vimse flushable liners but the next ones I try will be the ones from Bumkins as I have read good reviews on them as well and from my understanding more cloth like.
What type of detergent do you use?
We use Charlie's Soap and buy it off Amazon. It is eligible for free super saver shipping (Or free prime shipping if you are on Amazon mom!) We only have to use 1/4 of a Tablespoon for our energy efficient washing machine here in Europe (making it only 3 cents a load!) and only 1/2 a Tablespoon with our regular machine in the States. Because it requires so little I can bring it to Europe with me and not have to worry about finding something eco-friendly and safe for cloth dipes over here.
We have also used Rockin' Green which comes in all sorts of fun scents. It does the trick as well, but is more expensive than Charlie's and you have to use more which doesn't make it very travel friendly.
Also, here is a great link that reviews detergents for cloth diapers.
What are "Wet Bags" and which ones do you use?
We have a couple different sized Planetwise wet bags which I really like thus far; they contain the smell have held up well. I would actually recommend these to any one with little ones, they are great to keep in the diaper bag as well in case a change of clothes is needed. :)
What about the wipes?
When I tell people I use cloth wipes as well they look at me like I have really gone off the deep end, but it just makes sense to me. Why use a disposable and then have to go throw it in the trash can when I can use a cloth one and throw it in the diaper and into the wet bag?
I have only used the Bumgenius Flannel Wipes, but I have also read of moms making their own or even using cheap little washcloths as well. Many of the popular diaper brands make their own version of wipes as well.
There are multiple types of wipe solutions on the market, but we have used BabyBits and really like them. One bag of them makes a ton of solution. If you browse Etsy you will also find plenty of options.
What about diaper cream? Can I use anything?
Actually, no. You will want to use a diaper cream that is rated as safe for cloth diapers. Apparently some leave a filmy residue on your diapers making them less absorbent. We have used California Baby and also Method. Both have worked well, but Method's version is definitely cheaper. One of the reasons we went with cloth diapers is because I read that diaper rash is less common. I will say that Kaleb hasn't gotten it often, and I think the times he has gotten it has more to do with my diet (citrus foods, etc.) than anything else.
Enough with all the extras, what about the diapers themselves?
When Kaleb was itty bitty we used both Kissaluvs Fitted Diapers Size 0
I read plenty of reviews that said Kissaluvs work great for newborn poo. We never had a problem with blowouts which meant no stained clothes! Both the Kissaluvs and the Thirstie x-small covers had cutouts for the umbilical cord, so I didn't have to worry about Kaleb's diapers rubbing his little belly button while it was healing.
We also read that the Bumgenius fitted diapers worked well for others, so we tried both. If I were to do it all over again, I would have only purchased the Bumgenius ones. I loved how they fit and it was one less step than the fitted diapers with a cover. In those early days, when sleep is rare, every minute saved is appreciated!
That being said, many parents decide to just do disposables in the beginning until their little ones are big enough to fit in one size fits all diapers. For us, it wasn't terribly long until Kaleb fit into those, but I am still glad we did cloth in the beginning and we will use those diapers for our next babies anyway.
10-12+ Pounds:
Each diaper company is slightly different, but most of the one sized diapers fit at around 10-12 pounds. One sized diapers grow with your baby making them a very cost efficient option. We tried various different kinds as I wanted to know what would work the best for us. To be honest, they all work just fine... but I do find myself grabbing for certain ones first.
Bumgenius Organic:
This one is probably the one I always look for first. There aren't any inserts, so no stuffing is required! This also means that you don't have to take the insert out upon washing. (Side note: When in Europe I don't take out the inserts first, our front loading washing machine spins around enough that they come out on their own!) I also like the snaps on this diaper as you don't have to worry about the velcro getting worn out. I also prefer the snaps on these to the snaps on the FuzziBunz, there is more stretch and less snaps! I would not recommend this as a night time diaper.
Bumgenius Fitted:
I believe these are being discontinued in the larger sizes, but I happened to buy one and I love it! They are trimmer than the one sized diapers and fit great. I believe they are currently on sale at Cottonbabies for only 9.95. The only caveat of these is that you have to continue buying diapers as your baby grows, but Kaleb is wearing the medium right now and I imagine that he would continue to wear the same size for quite some time as his body shape will probably change as he begins to crawl.
Bumgenius 4.0
I actually have these in the 3.0 version (4.0 was not yet out), but I wish I had all of mine in the 4.0 version! They now offer these diapers with snaps. Had I to build my collection from scratch right now, this is exactly what I would purchase. I love that you can stuff them for nighttime use, that they grow with your baby, and the snaps don't wear out. I would not hesitate to recommend these to anyone.
The nice thing about FuzziBunz is that you are able to adjust the gussets with elastic to fit your baby. While this is a nice feature, I also find it to be a bit of a pain. My Bumgenius diapers fit around Kaleb's thighs just fine. Then again he is a rather chunky baby... so if you have a slimmer baby this might be more of a selling point. I just prefer the Bumgenius ones because I don't have to mess with changing the elastic! The FuzziBunz have a total of six snaps whereas the new Bumgenius 4.0s have a total of four snaps. Really it is a matter of personal preference as I know others who use the FuzziBunz and love them.
We have also used the Flips and Goodmamas but prefer the ones listed above. I do really like the Flip covers though and actually even use them over disposables when we are traveling... no worry blow outs on the airplane!!! Also, for cloth diapering on a budget the Flips would be a good option, I only feel they are a hassle with poopy diapers. Others prefer them though, especially if you find yourself having to take out inserts before throwing them in the wash. I do like the organic version better than the regular one.
How many diapers do I need to buy?
Just count how many diapers you go through in a day and go from there. We have enough now to do laundry every other day. I wouldn't want to let it sit longer than that anyway, so I don't see the need in having more than that. You could definitely do laundry every day (we did when Kaleb was a newborn!) and get by with far less diapers. That being said, you will want a couple extras for those days when you forget to throw in the load on time and to account for when your diapers are actually in the wash.
Where do you do your shopping?
Cottonbabies- This is probably my favorite site- they offer free shipping with ANY purchase! If you sign up for their e-mail newsletter you will also be the first to know about their "seconds sales" which is one way to score great deals on your dipes. I have purchased quite a few of our Bumgenius diapers this way and have never had a problem with them.
Jillian's Drawers- Great "gently used" program. We bought most of our newborn diapers this way to save money and then "stripped" them. (Basically using a special detergent on them and then rinsing them until you don't see any more suds.) I also purchased our baby bits wipe solution through this company. And, be sure to sign up for their e-mail as well, they are informative and you'll be first to know about their upcoming sales.
Amazon- I use Amazon for most of the extras as I find they usually have good prices and fast, easy shipping!
Also be sure to do a google search at time of purchasing your diapers. I was able to find a deal for 25% off diapers at the time I purchased my FuzziBunz which resulted in a great deal... I don't like to pay full price for anything, let alone diapers!
Just a warning, cloth diapering can get a bit addicting! I love all the fun colors and designs available. I just have to remind myself that one of the reasons I am doing this is to SAVE money, not to spend it... even if it is a good deal! Cloth diapering is great for baby, great for the environment, and great on the pocketbook. What is there not to love? Really, it is easy peasy. If I can do it, trust me when I say... so can you!
Hey! Just wanted to say that cloth diapers are really addicting. Thank god I'm not the only one who has to remind herself to save money with cloth diapers :)
Greetings from Estonia, Katariina
Katarlina- I would be interested in knowing what cloth diapers are on the market in Estonia! Mind sharing? And, is cloth diapering growing in popularity?
Hey! Ofcourse I don't mind :) Well, in a way it never has been 100 % gone. Disposables came rather late to Estonia (somewhere in 91-92) and at first they were so expensive that they were only used while going away from home. And by that time there were studies about disposables and there were moms who decided to still use cloth diapers. Nowdays when more and more modern cloth diapers are availible, I think that cloth diapering is getting more popular. At least it gets more attention :)
Im afraid that there aren't alot cloth diaper brands in the Estonian market. Imse Vimse and Bambino Mio are the "biggest" brands. Uhmm, let me see... And the German eco-brands - Lotties, Disana, Engel. Some East-European company's products are also available (Lorita, Canpol Babies, Cotters etc). I guess that's about it!
Oh, and we have our own diapers - Hipsik. They arent very good but they are still testing and improving them :)
Thank you for your interest!
Hi there, I am going to start cloth diapering and now confused about what detergent to buy. We live in Switzerland but close enough to Germany that we go once or twice a year for shopping. Are there supermarket safe brands that we can try? I have read all sorts of make your own recipes but not sure where to get the Borax or Washing soda etc. I also read some Aldi or Lidl detergent was suitable for the All in One type cloth diapers. I look forward to hearing from you! Sharon
Hi Sharon! I am so sorry I just got this comment! To be honest, I bring my detergent from the States. It is easier for me then trial and error here. I use "Charlies" and so it only requires about 1/4 teaspoon per load (HE) or 1/2 teaspoon for normal washing machines. It is on amazon.de (just looked) as well and lasts forever. http://www.amazon.de/Charlies-Soap-Inc-Waschpulver/dp/B005ED3DKW/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1354735233&sr=8-5
Hope this helps. Yay for cloth diapers. :)
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