But as I sit here waiting for the images to load, I have one too many thoughts rushing through my head. And, I also have tears in my eyes. Tears of joy, but tears of sorrow as well. The tears of joy come from once again looking at the images of my sweet little son. I have one of these 4D images saved as my desktop, and every time I look at it I can't help but smile.
The tears of sorrow I have come from reflecting upon Good Friday tomorrow. Being a mom, although I haven't yet met my son, brings a completely new understanding of what God did for me. For Him to send His only son, to die for me, well just thinking about it is making the tears now stream down my face. There is no greater love. I don't deserve any of His grace, yet He extends it to me time and time again. After all, it is my sins that nailed Jesus to the Cross.
But as sorrowful as that is, joy comes three days later, on Easter, when we celebrate that Jesus Christ rose again. He was victorious from the grave and extends to each of us the chance to know Him as our personal savior. For that I am beyond thankful. My life would be nothing without Christ. I can't help but to wonder how it may have turned out, who I would be today. I am still a work in progress but I am thankful that He who began a good work in me will finish it out until the day of completion. Religion may be about what we do to please "god", but Christianity is about what God does for us.
And He has done so much for me. As if the sending His son to the cross weren't enough, he has given me an amazing and Godly husband, a precious little son, a supportive and loving family, a roof over my head, food on my plate, trials to learn and grow from... the list could go on and on.
As much as I am looking forward to meeting this little guy, I am looking forward to meeting my Father face to face even more.
Yet another evidence of God's sweet grace:

I just want to kiss those little cheeks.

His perfect profile, for he is fearfully and wonderfully made.

The doctor told us he was laughing here. While I'll never know for sure if that is the case, I am going to imagine it was.

Sweet baby boy, Mommy and Daddy love you.

His tiny little foot; God's creation is truly a miracle.

I hope that your Easter season is filled with much more than plastic eggs, bunnies, and chocolates. As you carve out time to reflect on what Easter is truly about, may you be constantly reminded of God's magnificent love.
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