Last night most of the women of the team met up for dinner at Vapiano. If you haven't been to one before, you are certainly missing out. The restaurant chain started in Germany but has expanded across the world including several larger cities in the States. I fully expect to see more of them in the coming years. Freshly cooked food in a trendy environment and usually complete with lounges to sit and enjoy conversation with your drinks... what more could you ask for? Reasonable prices? Check!
My belly is expanding oh so quickly. In fact, it is poking out from the bottom of my shirt right now. I have a hard time imagining how huge I will be in another 20 weeks. Baby's movements and kicks are getting stronger and stronger, and I am loving every second of it. My ribs must be expanding, because the pain often sends me into the bathtub in an attempt to get the muscles to relax. But, I wouldn't trade any of it for anything. I am beyond thankful that I am able to carry this child that God has blessed me with.
John discovered the other day that he can pretty much end any sentence with "baby" or "mommy" and it will elicit an "awwww" from me. I think he may decide to use this new discovery to his advantage. But, how can I resist with all the sweet things he has been saying lately? I keep reminding myself to soak it all in, this will be the last time that I experience a first pregnancy.
But shouldn't every single day be special? After all, we only have one chance at each day. Whether it is special because of something we do, or something we learn... we should seize every moment God grants us. Here are some of our moments from this past week.
John was thrilled when we made pumpkin bread. I think he is secretly enjoying learning to do more in the kitchen. And, it is a fun way to spend time together.
Snow! After a week of temperatures in the 50's snow hit Hagen once again. As I sat at the kitchen table the next morning, wanting to complain about the return of the cold weather, I looked out the window and saw this. It reminded me to see the beauty in all that surrounds us.
Starbucks! On Sunday John's team headed to Frankfurt for a road game. I was so excited because it meant a chance to catch up with some friends in the area. They picked me up from the arena and we headed to a local Starbucks. My first caffeinated Caramel Macchiato since I found out I was pregnant. (For the record, I tried a "Koffein-frei" one last time and it was horrible, so I decided to splurge on one shot of espresso this time around!) It's the little things in life...
But more important than the little things, are the relationships we build along the way. Horrible picture, I know. Eta is the one ready to give birth any week now, but judging my size of my face you'd think it was me who was further along. Two friends, both pregnant and enjoying our time together while exchanging pregnancy stories and baby product finds. Poor Bryan, Eta's husband... I don't think he knew what he was getting himself... or how many trips we would have to make to the bathroom.
Therapy time for John. Maybe not the most enjoyable of times, but he got a coffee out of the deal. Who can complain about that? And I got Chinese food that night, so I wasn't complaining either.
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