Thankfully we are now in that season. The sun is shining, the days are getting warmer and longer. Flowers are blooming, buds are starting to form on the trees, and I feel one hundred percent better. In just five and half weeks we will be back in our home, sitting on our deck watching the birds and squirrels in our backyard. I will be eating all the food I've been craving... including Colby Jack cheese on Triscuits and raspberry lemonade.
For now we are enjoying all the little things. This season is perhaps always one of my favorites, with all things seeming to come to life. The brown grass turns green, baby animals are born, and as Easter approaches we are reminded of the new life we have in Christ. And this year life is also forming fast inside of my womb. Each day brings me one step closer to meeting the son that God has given me, and that has a way of making even mundane daily tasks seem more pleasant.
My friend's post inspired this mid-morning treat: Nutella filled crepes with berries on top. (Of course it also resulted in a loss of power for a couple of hours, but thankfully my little treat was already cooked before that happened. Note to self: when building a house never install plug-ins right before the stove top... it only makes it easier for cords to find their way to hot surfaces.)
I love the bright colors of Spring! Turquoise is one of my favorites this year, and it will also be part of the color scheme of our little boy's nursery at home. As for me, I am growing just as fast as the weeds that are probably popping up in my Stateside garden.
Oh how I love Europe in the Spring. Sidewalk cafes are filled with people lingering and laughing over lattes, beers, and wines. As for John, he makes little dogs look even cuter. (No, this dog is not ours, we ran into some friends downtown!)
Eggplant spread anyone? Anything with roasted onions, red peppers and garlic just has to be good.
Iced tea served over a glass of ice= springtime happiness.
And now I'm off to make baked chicken, scalloped potatoes and fresh green beans for lunch. All because my grandma was making ham and scalloped potatoes when I called her yesterday, and it sounded oh. so. good. See a trend in my cooking inspirations?
Here's to hoping that your Saturday is filled with much inspiration as well... and that you would see God's beauty and creativity in all that surrounds you. *Cheers!* (Insert clinking of iced tea and raspberry lemonade filled glasses here.)
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