Please excuse the messy little face. This is real life here... and we were heading to the bathtub directly after his haircut. Why bother with clean up twice?

This little boy has some really great hair- hair I wish a little girl could have! Nice and thick... also making it hard to cut!

Mommy, what are we doing?!?!

Okay mommy, now I am really confused!

Happy little guy showing off his new "big boy" haircut! The next morning I looked at my Kaleb and felt like he had grown half a year. I knew this would be the case. But, he looks so cute... so proud of himself as he toddles around sans baby locks. I am just loving this stage, he is so much more aware. Oh course, that also brings its own challenges... but I'l take them for this rewarding smile. :)

Look at all those teeth! He is getting cuter and cuter every day!
Hey mom you did a nice job.Did you save some locks for his baby book?!?
And that was a month ago- he now has FOUR more popping through! Crazy.
Yes, I saved his baby locks, how could I not?!? :)
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