Monday, December 19, 2011

Missing Grandpa.

I lost my grandpa yesterday, Kaleb's only great-grandpa. And a great grandpa he was. Today has been hard. I have sobbed uncontrollably as John has comforted me, prayed with me, and asked Kaleb to give me a countless number of hugs and kisses. Right now? I want nothing more than to be home, with my family, mourning with them yet celebrating a life lived well.

grandpa summer 2011

Unfortunately, John's team won't let him leave. I know there is a silver lining, it's there somewhere. I am just struggling to see it right now. But I will, eventually. Eventually? I will.

grandpa & kaleb

It is okay for me to mourn, to struggle with my loss. There is a season for everything. A time to be glad, a time to be sad. Or in some cases, both.

grandpa with kaleb

I am sad to see my grandpa gone, yet thankful for the time I had with him. I desperately wish I could be home, but am thankful the rest of my family will be there. For now I am going to hold on to cherished memories. I wish I had more of them, there is never enough time with loved ones, is there?

Four generations.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this Suzanne. Praying for you!

Christine Ellis said...

Suzanne- I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find the comfort you need with your boys. I feel your pain at being away from home! I am sending my love and prayers your way!!

Erin Crispin said...

So sorry for your loss, Suzanne. May the peace of God that passes all understaning guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.