Big news around here!!! Kaleb is expected to move from "in training" status to official "big brother" status some time around June 10, 2011! That puts our itty bittiest at just over 14 weeks and will put Kaleb and his sibling at a little under 23 months apart. (IF all goes according to "schedule"!) We are just so thankful and feel so blessed for another little miracle. I am getting more excited by the day to see Kaleb in his new big brother role. Lately when I ask him where "baby" is he points at my belly. (Although he also often lifts my shirt up, I must put a stop to that before he does it in public.)
I am so thankful to finally share our big news with all of you. I haven't written much lately because I found it difficult to share daily life without sharing that we are expecting again. And to be honest, there were days that I could barely process my own thoughts by the time I got Kaleb to bed, let alone put them in writing. Some of my friends have already figured out why it has been so quiet around here. I didn't realize I was being that obvious, ha! I guess I have plenty of catching up to do.
We found out we were expecting again just a couple weeks after we arrived in Poland, thus it has made the transition quite interesting. It has been strangely reminiscent of our year in Germany, when I was pregnant with Kaleb. We arrived later in the season (September this year, October in Germany), found out we were expecting not long after being in either place, and struggled to get into a rhythm thanks to all day "morning" sickness both times around.
Of course, there are plenty of differences as well. I am showing much earlier and will soon have to resort to buying maternity clothes once again. (Unfortunately, I didn't bring any with me.) The time is going by much faster, primarily because I have Kaleb to focus on as well. I think I was actually more nervous about a miscarriage with this pregnancy- it was something I had to (and still do) submit to God regularly. I would often look at Kaleb's sweet face and just pray and pray for the health of his little brother or sister. In addition, the healthcare system is much different here than in Germany and I now have a frame of reference to make comparisons. (Which hasn't necessarily been a good thing.)
Finally, we are so thankful for God's perfect timing. We have been praying all along that God would grant us another baby according to His will. The positive pregnancy test came a bit as a surprise, as it was pretty much the last thing on our minds after packing, traveling, and adjusting to a new time zone with a toddler. That said, the timing of it all couldn't be more ideal. Kaleb and I will have to fly home earlier than John, but we are just trusting God to sort out all the details. It will be so nice to not only have the baby in the States, but to have more time (in theory) to adjust to being a family of four before we travel again. God is so, so gracious and we are so grateful.
Congrats, Turek family!!! You know I thought you were a little quiet, but then I said to myself, "You don't really know her to make that statement." Glad it was all for a wonderful reason :)
So excited to read about your wonderful news!! Congratulations! I'll be praying for preparation and a deeper trust in our great God every day! Let me know if there's any way specifically that I can be laboring in prayer with you!
Thanks so much, ladies!
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