Our days have been filled with Kaleb's sweet smiles. I just can't get enough of them.

He still loves his hands and is getting them to his mouth more and more.

How sweet are his chubby little legs covered with his new baby legs? A thoughtful friend gave Kaleb his first pairs. I adore them but had to laugh when John was getting him dressed and said, "Suzanne, why does our son have NYLONS?" I couldn't make up some of the things he says if I tried.

I love propping Kaleb up and my knees and playing "patty cake" or doing "this little piggy." And when he smiles back? All the more rewarding.

Love my boys.

Daddy's number one fan.... although he usually conks out for the night before the game even starts.

Kaleb's little buddy, Cooper... reunited after a trip back to the States for Cooper to meet his new cousin.
"Cooper, why did you leave me?"

"Don't worry Kaleb, I am right here."

A couple of weeks ago John actually had three days off in a row. In his profession this is such a rarity. We are usually lucky if he has two days off in a row. So three days? We packed up and hit the road. First stop: Hagen, Germany. John's former team was having a dinner and we were able to stop by and see all our old friends. Last time we saw everyone Kaleb was still growing fast inside my womb.

Kaleb with all the pretty girls. :)

Next stop: Uncle Brad's. And we even got to see the Watts!

These guys make Kaleb actually look small.

And we got a few new things while we were there visiting my brother. Kaleb likes his bumbo.

First trip to Starbucks! Kaleb is already out past his bedtime here and he was such a trooper.

We were out late to see our friend Al, one of John's teammates the year he played in Poland.

And we found our way to this fun little Mexican restaurant, which by the time we got there seemed more like a bar than a place to get food. All I could think of was the line from Sweet Home Alabama when she says, "You have a baby... in a bar!" Let's just say we got plenty of looks, navigating the stroller through the crowds. In that moment I thought to myself, never again will I judge that mom who has her child in a onesie out a midnight at Walmart. For all I know the mom could live nowhere near family, be a single parent, and having to drag her sick child out for medicine. You just NEVER know.
Kaleb fell asleep with his little noise canceling headphones on and all was good. Even if maybe, just maybe... a group of teenage boys called us irresponsible parents.

I'm slowly trying the find the balance. The balance between having a schedule and then not being so preoccupied with trying to maintain that schedule that I don't leave room for the fun moments in life. After all, those are the moments that we will remember for a lifetime. Kaleb survived his first long road trip just fine (slept most of the time in the car!) and it was more than worth all the packing and the hours in the car... even if he wasn't in bed by seven every night.

Scrolling back through the photos, I realize just how blessed we are to have met such amazing people over the years and to have friends all around the world. Now if only there were a way to transport ourselves to see everyone whenever we so desired....
Ok I will try this again...Suzanne I love this post!! The pictures of Kaleb smiling are so cute!! I love that our boys are buddies. I was just telling Jason that you and John are the type of friends where we will be going to Kaleb and Cooper's college games together:)...even if they go to different school:)
I love that our boys are buddies too... and I treasure your friendship even more. I've already decided that John and Jason are just going to have to sign as a package deal next year. :) And if the boys go to different schools then we'll root for Cooper to do well but for Kaleb's team to win. Hahaha... looks like we'll just have to hope they get recruited by the same coach. ;)
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