Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kaleb's First Half-Birthday!

We are celebrating Kaleb's first half year of life today, complete with his first ever serving of veggies and lunch out at a favorite restaurant. I've said it before and I'll say it again. It seems like just yesterday that we were waking up after a stormy night with restless sleep, ready to head to the hospital to meet our little guy. Yet at the same time, I can hardly remember what life was like before him... before I heard his first cry or kissed him for the first time.

The other day I was pushing Kaleb in his stroller and listening to a sermon on being a mommy. The last time I listened to that sermon was last spring in Germany, when I was pregnant and Kaleb was still moving around in my womb. It seemed so surreal to me and I couldn't help but to be in awe of God's plan not only for my life, but for Kaleb's as well.

I'm off to check on the yams baking in the oven, waiting to be pureed for Kaleb's half-birthday luncheon. (I will be sure to get it on video!) In the meantime, here is a preview of our Christmas in the States. Oh how I love the sweet faces he makes. Happy half-Birthday Kaleb Josiah!


1 comment:

sweetemaline said...

I love that he's wearing a vest and bow tie! So fancy! Happy Half-Birthday Kaleb!!!