And so, we rejoice... and we thank God for every. single. moment. We call up the grandparents when the first tooth arrives, we get out the video camera to capture all those firsts. Sometimes we tend to get bogged down with daily life, the laundry, the meals, the mess.... and forget to stop. To stop and breathe and take it all in. If we're not careful the days will turn into weeks before we realize the blur we're living.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing... just stop. Look around you and it won't take long before you compile a list of people, lessons and experiences you are grateful for.
I, for one, am thankful that God blessed me with this little guy. When he smiles, I smile. He got his first walker the day before he turned six months and keeps himself occupied "walking" backward in it.

He likes his highchair too and will sit in the kitchen watching me make dinner and smiling away, as if I am fixing him a huge Thanksgiving dinner at every meal.

For now, these yams are as close to a Thanksgiving meal that he is getting. I can clearly remember being pregnant in Germany and a friend giving me a website she used to help aid her in making baby food, and I stored it away in my memory thinking it would be ages before I needed it. Lo and behold, that time is finally here.

True to form, Kaleb loves his food. Who would have thought?

We celebrated Kaleb's half birthday and intentionally remembered the sights and sounds of the day he was born. Sure, he didn't know the difference. But to be honest, it was more for John and I than him anyway. We chatted over lunch, admiring our little guy and talked about how much life had changed for the better. Kaleb smiled away, making friends with everyone who would give him a bit of attention.

I don't know how it is possible, but somehow I find myself loving him more each day. I loved him before I even met him, thought my capacity to love was maxed out when he arrived... and yet six months later my love is only deeper.

Love this picture. My two guys... looking like they are up to no good.

No worries in the eating department, I think Kaleb is doing just fine. Pretty sure one could mistake him for a sumo wrestler here. ;)

One last comparison... because everyone loves baby feet. Kaleb's feet "before."

And Kaleb's feet "after." (Oh how I will miss these rolls someday!)

If only we knew what they were thinking.

Six months old... and as happy, lovable, and kissable as can be. Love you Kaleb Josiah!

Beautiful <3 <3 <3 Love you
So nice again! :-) Miss him already!
He's adorable! I've enjoyed checking on your blog periodically :)
Suzanne, he is just adorable!!
Thanks ladies!
Amber- we miss you too!
Beth- I enjoy your blog as well... I simply don't know how you do it with twins! You are AMAZING.
Lisa- I can't wait to meet your nephew! And I am off to check off your blog now. :)
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