We went to the neighborhood children's center one day before Kaleb turned eight weeks old in order to get him into the health care system here and also to get weighed and measured. He weighed 5400 grams and measured 60 cm in length (11.9 lbs and 23.5 inches). How cute are these changing tables by the way? Moms meet here for coffee in the mornings, babies see their doctor here monthly, and once a week parents can take their children in to get weighed and measured.

Becoming more alert by the day...

And grabbing hold of his toys...

Daddy went to Belgium for a couple of pre-season games and brought mommy home some delicious chocolates. It was just what I needed after being a "single mom" for a couple of days!

Kaleb, now nine weeks old here and sporting his new hat. Love it!

We went to one of daddy's pre-season games and wore these noise canceling headphones as we knew it would be loud.
Not enough time to process what I am wearing yet...

Hmmm.... not too sure about these things!

Warming up to them.

Well, I guess they aren't too bad!

I get my binky now? Even better.

And, now it is bedtime.

Kaleb turns two months!
Little chubbster. Pretty sure he is getting enough to eat. ;)

He is also being increasingly aware of his hands.


Our little man doesn't seem so little any more...

He is also becoming more mobile in his crib and we usually find him in this position in the middle of the night and in the morning. Why are the cribs so small here? I am pretty sure this is what wakes him up some times. Think if I would get more sleep if I found a larger crib? ;)

Miss Jo was the first non-family member to give Kaleb a bottle! Our husbands were in Russia and I had the ladies over for dinner. Thankfully Jo was able to give Kaleb a bottle while I finished making dinner.

I was reading to Kaleb the other day and couldn't help remembering John and I reading it to him on of the first days we came home. And I looked down at our sweet little boy and tears came to my eyes as I realized how big he had already gotten. I love that he is becoming more and more interactive. I love his sweet smiles. But all the same, I know that every moment passed is a moment in time I will never get back. I must treasure the past, enjoy the present and look forward to the future.